
 2022年1月16日、医療機器用特殊電源メーカー ナユタ(浜松市東区)はフィリピンにおけるの台風22号(フィリピン名:オデット)による被害に対して、レイテ島南部のマニングニング地域へ75世帯、370人分の食料援助を行いました。

 ナユタは、SDGs取組みの一環として2018年からJICAを通じて、フィリピンでボランティア活動を行い、セブ工科大学(CTU)にてIoT研究所を設立し、同卒業生のソフトウェア開発会社の独立開業支援を行ってきました。そのような背景の中、今回人道的支援として、ナユタグループ内にて義援金を集め、レイテ、パロにある飲食店オーナー(RY Camp Foodhub Food and Beverage House)の協力の元、食料援助を行いました。



Food assistance for damage caused by Typhoon in the Philippines

 On January 16, 2022, NAYUTA provided food assistance for 75 households about 370 people (census as of 2020) to Brgy. MANINGNING, MALITBOG SOUTHERN LEYTE in response to the damage caused by Typhoon No. 22 (Philippines name: Odette) in the Philippines.

 NAYUTA has been volunteering in the Philippines since 2018 as part of the SDGs activity, establishing an IoT aboratory in Cebu Technological University (CTU), and supporting a start-up software development company with the graduates. In this background, as a humanitarian support, we collected donations within the NAYUTA Group and provided food assistance with the cooperation of the restaurant owner of (RY Camp Foodhub Food and Beverage House) in Palo, Leyte.

 Brgy. MANINGNING is adjacent to the typhoon-prone area surrounded by mountains, they barely get help from both government and private organizations.Since the typhoon hit, there is still no electricity, no access to good food and mainly eats instant goods. Lost their coconut crops as their major livelihood source.

 Since Brgy. MANINGNING is a mountainous area, the water source is far away and there is no power source to pump the water and supply the entire brgy. In the future, NAYUTA would like to consider a solution to the problem in some way.

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